Saturday, June 17, 2017

Challenge update: Stage 2 achieved at US$ 15k

Hi traders!

We made it once more taking the account from US$ 10,000 to US$ 15 k in less than 6 weeks!

We started trading the Challenge #11 on May the 8th with 2 lots, reached the end of first Stage at US$ 12k and this week we reached the 3rd Stage which we start trading ES from Monday with 4 lots.

This Challenge account has been going up smoothly as we never went underwater, straight up from when we began with US$ 10,000, we did have some losses along the way, of course, but we finally made it once again. All trades have been posted in our trading room with clear entries (before getting filled) and exits.

The secret is to have an edge and just follow the rules with discipline, we don't have to be perfect as traders, I also make several mistakes, don't get me wrong, we're human beings and on some days you're not at the top of your performance, but I always tell the traders who trade with me: don't try to be perfect. We don't need to buy right when market turns, as long as our STOP LOSS is not hit, we hold the position until it reaches our partial and main targets, depending on the style one chooses to trade.

Our system is really simple, the calls I make in the trading room are very clear leaving no room for doubt, our entry levels are known BEFORE market tests our price, not after price is going up or down as I have seen in several trading rooms I visited, I post the levels ALWAYS in advance, giving traders plenty of time to insert their orders.

We never know in advance which trade is going to work or not, so we take ALL SETUPS according to our OWN trading style, be it conservative or aggressive, aggressive traders make more money though, when using our system  traders know all setups have the same probability of working, we know that 70%+ of the trades will work as expected and will reach our profit target and 30% or less will get stopped out, as traders we have to accept that or we shouldn't be trading.

If you don't have your own system to trade, use ours, you'll see right from the first day we know exactly what we're doing we're never in a rush to do anything and if you have your own levels, my comments will be of great help for you to follow market direction, all through the trading day I comment on what market is doing and its probabilities and post the conservative and aggressive entries.

Join us this week: Click here: Diamond Setups, the only edge you need.

Feel free to send me email if you have any questions:

"Don't be afraid to really use your imagination. Let it run wild. It's one of the most powerful tools you've got." - Laird Hamilton