Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Road map: from US$ 5,000 to US$ 1 Million in 13 months

The sky is the limit.

Yes, that's possible (not easy, but it can be done) by trading the ES (S&P500 e-minis, futures).

All you need to make is 2 to 3 points a day.

ES is worth US$ 50.00/point/lot.

Month #1Start US$ 5,000
Trade size: 1 lot
Target in US$: 8,000 – In ES points: 60

Month #2 – US$ 8,000
Trade size: 2 lots
Target in US$: 12,000 – In ES points: 40

Month #3 – US$ 12,000
Trade size: 4 lots
Target in US$: 20,000 – In ES points: 40

Month #4 – US$ 20,000
Trade size: 6 lots
Target in US$: 30,000 – In ES points: 35

Month #5 – US$ 30,000
Trade size: 8 lots
Target in US$: 50,000 – In ES points: 50

Month #6 – US$ 50,000
Trade size: 10 lots
Target in US$: 70,000 – In ES points: 40

Month #7 – US$ 70,000
Trade size: 15 lots
Target in US$: 100,000 – In ES points: 40

Month #8 – US$ 100,000
Trade size: 20 lots
Target in US$: 150,000 – In ES points: 50

Month #9 – US$ 150,000
Trade size: 30 lots
Target in US$: 200,000 – In ES points: 35

Month #10 – US$ 200,000
Trade size: 40 lots
Target in US$: 300,000 – In ES points: 50

Month #11 – US$ 300,000
Trade size: 60 lots
Target in US$: 500,000 – In ES points: 70

Month #12 – US$ 500,000
Trade size: 80 lots
Target in US$: 700,000 – In ES points: 50

Month #13 – US$ 700,000
Trade size: 100 lots
Target in US$: 1,000,000 – In ES points: 60

The secret is to have a plan with an edge and the desire to get there, the drive to do it over and over again on a daily basis like a bricklayer.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Best of luck!

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but we aim too low and reach it.” - Michelangelo

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